The Difference between boys and girls

Is this not the great debate now on the minds of so many people today?

I know I am going to get a lot of flak about writing this, but let the chips fall where they may. There are only two genders in any living species. It does not matter whether we are talking about plants, animals, or humans (who are a species of animals), there are only two different genders.

Are there ever species that are non-binary?

Yes, rocks.

There are species of plants that are self-pollinating, so there is no difference from one plant to another, however, they still have a defined male component and a defined female component.

Do any animals carry the attributes of both genders?

I cannot speak for non-human animals, but they are likely the same as humans. We all carry aspects of both genders. The expression of male and female characteristics is usually determined by the beliefs that manifest in their life by the person before their seventh birthday.

Some attributes, for example, nurturing, are deemed a female trait as female traits are generally passive in nature. However, both males and females can (and should be) nurturing. It is a positive characteristic of a man to be nurturing. In fact, it makes a man more desirable to the female gender when he is, especially when considering the creation of a family by a female.

Assertiveness is considered a male trait because it is an active expression that drives the person into action. Females can(and should be) as assertive as males. A woman does not have to act like a man in order to initiate assertiveness.

Does how a person express themselves to determine their gender?

Absolutely not! The only thing that determines a person’s gender is the design of their body.

Can a person be gender-neutral?

A person can choose to be asexual or nonsexual, but they are still either male or female as determined by their body. If a person goes to a medical facility for any testing, they are classified as either male or female. There are no other choices.


Is it only the person’s physical expression that determines their gender?

No. There are many determining factors about the person’s body that qualify for their gender. The shape of the skull is one very obvious one.

Can a person be born into the wrong body?

This is a challenging question to answer primarily since the belief systems of Western society are heavily tainted by “Christian” thinking.

Since the soul is gender-neutral, it cannot be born into the wrong body. I believe that the gender expression of a person is generally created through the situations they experience during their childhood, just as a person who is loving or intellectual or hostile, etc. It is just an unconsciously chosen expression!

I do remain open to the possibility though, that a person may have previously incarnated as the opposite gender and, for some reason, has incorporated components of that lifetime into this lifetime expression. The expression of this situation would likely still be manifested through their early childhood experiences.

As a student of mysticism, I believe we are all born to learn through our life experiences. The lessons of our childhood form the basis of which experiences will surface in our lives throughout our entire life.

As a student of mysticism, I also understand that no expression or belief is permanent. It is the duty of each individual to determine which beliefs they carry support them in feeling truly safe, loved, and empowered, and which serve only to protect them based in fear. Our sole purpose in love is to learn to live in the energy of Universal Love.

Enjoy your male side! Enjoy your female side!

Be honest with yourself by recognizing the truth that resides in you that only you can know.