Powerful You Powerful Me

How can we all be truly happy?

True happiness for everyone is possible. It is not a dream. It just takes effort and choice.

We can all be happy just by realizing and accepting that our happiness is not determined by outside influences. Our current perception of happiness is based on the beliefs we learned as children.

What causes us to choose to be unhappy?

If we were mistreated as children, we have likely developed beliefs that life is not a happy place, and our mind goes out of its way to show us that life is not a great place to play. The greater the mistreatment, the less likely happiness will be found.

Children who are given everything without having to give anything in return are also very unlikely to ever be happy as they grow. Their expectations that the world has to provide them with every desire they can dream up, will likely keep them feeling very unhappy in their lives because they have manifested an unfillable void.

So how can we be happy if we had less than adequate childhoods?

Realizing that the inadequate beliefs we learned as children can be diffused and reframed into functional belief systems will lay a basis for creating a happy life.

Is there a process for changing these beliefs?

Yes, it is called mind management. The first step in this process is for each of us to learn to listen to what we think and how we think.

Our mind and body react to the thoughts that operate in our minds. If our thoughts are constantly unhappy, we will be unhappy. That can be changed by learning to recognize those unhappy thoughts. Learning to recognize the emotional play going on when the thought is operating is a strong component of making changes.

In the video section of this website, there is a video called Mind Management. It contains a very easy tool to learn and implement that helps you turn off the emotional play going on. Once that occurs, the thought just becomes words making them easy to change.

What does this process have to do with Powerful You Powerful Me?

Once one can create their life beyond the emotional perceptions of life, one will realize that we are all the same. We all have the same desires in our lives. It is then that this person will realize that the next step in the path of their own personal empowerment is to help other people be in their own power without selling themselves out.

It is truly one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, that of helping others.

Now, this is not forcing yourself on others for the sake of bolstering your ego. It is by providing a space or a medium to allow and support another person to help themselves.

Take, for example, teaching a child to ride a bicycle. If the person takes the bicycle and just rides around the child showing their skill as a cyclist, the child will learn little.

Giving the child a bicycle without giving them lessons on how to ride it properly will likewise do no good.

Providing the child with the right-sized bicycle, maybe even with training wheels, then investing the time to help them learn to develop balance, steering, how to sit on it properly, and how to make it move, eventually, the child will learn to ride well.

Do you think that person who taught the child felt great? How did the child feel once they had learned to ride?  It is a win-win situation.  Powerful you powerful me!

There are so many occasions in life that provide us with opportunities to help others be in their strength.

Somewhere in the Bible, there is a statement that if one gives a person a fish, they get to eat a meal. If they are taught to fish though, they can eat forever. How many situations in life, can we set in motion that help others to learn to fish?

Why do we want other people to be powerful?

People who are mentally healthy because they feel confident, provide more positive energy to the world. These people also contribute more than those who are less healthy. Healthy people make better decisions for themselves about their lives, thereby affecting other people in their lives. It goes on and on. People who stand in their power supporting others to do the same provide a better world. Isn’t that what we all want?