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Are you ready for Armageddon?
Here are some snippets of various chapters in The Ascenders Return To Grace Book 1.
I sincerely hope they entice you to not just read this book, but to stay with us long enough to embrace the concepts and tools that may help you to figure out why you are here on planet earth right now.
After all, we are in the early days of The Age of Aquarius or Armageddon as the Christians would call it.
Why is it important to embrace the concepts of Ascension?
There are so many questions floating around in people’s minds these days they cannot find adequate answers for.
It is because they have not come to an adequate level of consciousness to understand the changes that are occurring, both in their world and inside themselves.
Once one realizes what is going on and embrace the concepts of Ascension, their life will make much more sense. All without having to go to church!
Armageddon, #Age of Aquarius, Reversing of the Mayan Wheel or any other name you want to give this time we are living in is a challenging time.
It pits the dark forces of the ego against the light forces of #Universal Love, right in front of our eyes.
You are a part of it, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
What happens if one does not embrace the influences of Armageddon?
There are so many questions floating around in people’s minds these days they cannot find adequate answers for.
It is because they have not come to an adequate level of consciousness to understand the changes that are occurring, both in their world and inside themselves.
Once one realizes what is going on and embrace the concepts of Ascension, their life will make much more sense. All without having to go to church!
Armageddon, #Age of Aquarius, Reversing of the Mayan Wheel or any other name you want to give this time we are living in is a challenging time.
It pits the dark forces of the ego against the light forces of #Universal Love, right in front of our eyes.
You are a part of it, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.