From the Community That Brought to the World Powerful You Powerful Me
Welcome to your new life! Come and get it!
You have not had this much fun learning new tricks for living an absolutely amazing life!
Life the Aquarian Way! Reset your boundaries and beliefs. They are just in your way!
Learn about your new life from the antics of The wind Surfers. People whose lives have no boundaries!
The Ascenders Return to Grace Books are available at any of your favorite online bookstores in e-book or paperback!
Why do you need to read books like The Ascenders ‘Return to Grace’?
→ We are living in a changing world! It is time to raise the consciousness of humans. The Ascenders Return To Grace Book Series was written for people wondering what is happening with our world! So, we are now faced with an opportunity to join in or fall behind.
Are you questioning what is going on?
→ If you are a person who is questioning what is with all the wars and fighting all over the world, if you are concerned about the environmental issues, if you are wondering what you are doing here at all, then
The Ascenders Return To Grace Books is for you.
→ You, as a member of the human race, are here right now, living in the time of the greatest transition in all of the history of mankind. This is the greatest opportunity human beings have ever had to learn about their true selves and raise their consciousness.

So, Why are we here, right now?
Why are we here?
More importantly, Why are you here on planet earth right now?
→ That is a question on the minds of many people. We are living at this moment in the most important, and exciting, time mankind has ever known. Each of us, you included, has chosen to incarnate in this time, right now, to be a part of the inception of the Age of Aquarius.
You have chosen to be here because you have evolved enough to be a part of the change.
→ The Age of Aquarius is the time for mankind to raise our consciousness.
We need to understand the truth of what is really going on in our world… and what can we do about it.
Are you ready to join in and do your part in the evolution?
And, What are we supposed to do while we are here in this present time?
What will your job be?
→ This present time is the time for human beings to choose. It is your time to choose between accepting the light of your soul so it can express, it or remaining in darkness, letting your egos run (ruin) your true potential. This is the process of raising our consciousness.
Which do you choose?
→ Since mankind populated this planet, our ego has run our lives. At first, the people did not know that the ego was running the program. Finally, with the inception of the Age of Aquarius, people are finally waking up. They are realizing the ego is a poor boss. The ego is the main block to raising our consciousness.
Are you ready to put your ego back where it belongs, and become the true master of your life?
→ The realization is now unfolding that there is a much larger world and a much larger opportunity when we resize the ego to where it belongs and let our inner essence take reign.

Are you ready to move past the limitations imposed by your current beliefs and become?
The time to start is now. You can start in a really fun way, by reading Book 1 of The Ascenders Return To Grace.

The Ascenders Return To Grace Book 1
Read The Ascenders Return to Grace Book 1 and you will find out! You will be glad you did!
You will have lots of fun while learning some cool things you can do yourself too!
Times are changing and we are seeing and feeling the effects. Ridiculous wars, crazy weather, gas prices through the roof. What is going on?
We are in the greatest time of transition ever known to mankind. If you are feeling unsettled deep inside, it is because your soul is calling for you to change, to learn to express the true you that lies deep inside.

The Ascenders Return To Grace Book 2
If you enjoyed Book 1, you will really enjoy these people in Book 2!
The Wind Surfers are back! New Possibilities Abound!
The Wind Surfers and the rest of the crew have their challenges cut out for them again in this continuation of Book 1. More children need rescuing! This calls for more new skills!
New events call on their talents to solve mysterious occurrences that have left life in a small town decimated. Where is that incessant drumming coming from?
Music and yoga become the orders of the day! As the energy improves, the Wind Surfers become masters of Concerts in the Park. Why does this music make me feel so happy?
Can you imagine three solid days of music, non-stop, by one band?
Only the Wind Surfers could pull this off!
And of course, the story would not be complete without a little work on the environment!
Why is the Bee Diva crying? What can we do with all that plastic in the ocean?
It is not only the gang that is making changes! What happens to all the churches?
Check out Book 2! You will be glad you did!

The Ascenders Return to Grace
Book 3
Can you imagine how it would feel to re-write your life?
What if many of the events of your life path have their roots in choices your ancestors made long ago, in order to survive in their day? Do the choices of your ancestors manifest in your life today? Let’s find out!
The fun continues as the Wind Surfers are led by a special little girl on an amazing trip back in time to an ancient world. Their mission? To help the ancestors of a group of modern folks cajoled by the government to cause an uprising, to reclaim their personal power and self-esteem.
How? By helping their ancestors re-discover themselves in their day. We learn that re-writing the family history contained in their DNA is an important key to supporting future generations to live their best lives…. And to make their own best decisions.
It is a fun story that holds many truths about the wonderful power of our minds. When we understand that we have far greater talents than we know, true change and healing can happen.
Is this a part of the path to our own evolution?
Enjoy Book 3 and find out!

The Ascenders Return To Grace Guidebook For Thriving in The Age of Aquarius
Are you feeling the uncertainty?
The uncertainty you are feeling is the changing energies of the world. Whether or not you believe in God or Astrology or anything you cannot see, you are feeling the changes. Our concept of life is in transition.
It is up to you! Stay with the old and suffer or accept there is a new way.
How can you make your life work for you in these times of uncertainty?
The secret lies in knowing yourself… your true self. Your new life lies in wait. All you have to do is realize and accept that you need to change the way you play in this world. Getting out of your head by learning to live in your body will bring amazing positive changes to your life.
You will be happier, feel more complete, improve your health, be a better parent, and most of all, it will help remove the confusion in your mind.
There is hope for the human race as we move into Aquarius, but we must allow ourselves to change how we do our lives. Living from your head alone does not work anymore. There is so much more life available to you!
Are you up for it?
Inside this book is information you need to know to make your life work the best for you. Concepts and tools that are practical and easy to implement.
If building an amazing life is important to you, this book is the key to that life!