How does the body manage self-healing?

Once one is able to listen to and recognize the communications of the various organs, they can begin to resolve any issues that express. Recognizing symptoms of distress as messages from your mind-body relationship, one changes their perspective away from a “disease” perception. The next step to understand is that The Endocrine system, which is the system of chemical creating glands and organs within the body is always trying to create what is called “metabolic balance”. You need to learn to listen to your body!

What causes the body to go out of balance?

Any condition that manifests in the body is a result of long-term ongoing incorrect thinking and its related emotional bond. When the mind insists the world needs to be perceived in a manner that is contrary to the mind’s perception of the world, the Endocrine system activates in an attempt to bring balance. Over a prolonged period, conditions manifest that we call disease. They can only be truly healed by changing their thinking pattern and releasing the emotional connection. This does not mean that solid medical advice and assistance are unnecessary. However, medical treatment alone will only assist to heal the symptoms at best.
How Can We Attain Optimal Health?

There is only one way for you to achieve optimal health. Get out of your head and into your body!